empathy before judgment


Every year, unsafe abortions harm millions of people, including thousands of Nigerian women and families. These tragedies are preventable. In Nigeria, more than a million pregnancies end in abortion, and over half of these are unsafe. Silence and shame endanger our mothers and sisters and wives and daughters. When a woman cannot carry a pregnancy to term, she will end the pregnancy. If only unsafe methods are available, then that's what she'll use -- and her odds of experiencing serious complications, including death, will be very high. Health care workers provide safe abortion services because they care about their patients. Compassionate, qualified providers save women's lives. Let’s talk about abortions before it's too late.

“A woman who ends a pregnancy needs a comforting embrace, not a cold shoulder.”


Abortion is considered safe if the person providing or supporting the abortion is trained and uses one of the two methods approved by the World Health Organization.

Abortion is unsafe when it is carried out by an unskilled provider, in an environment that does not meet minimal medical standards, or both.

When performed using a medically approved method administered by a skilled provider, abortion is among the safest medical procedures.